Friday, July 29, 2005

favorite hand

I notice a lot of people aout there talk about their favorite hands, and they often ask me that question, my answer? i don't have one, plain and simple. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything by not having a favorite hand, its just that i really don't see the point of having one. For me, having a favorite hand will cause me more harm than good. why? coz you tend to play your favorite hand no matter what the situation is. good or bad, you feel that that particular hand will save your ass for the night. and the sad thing is, no matter how many time you lose with that hand, you will always play it cause it's your favorite.

the opposite of having a favorite hand is having the unicorn hand, the hand that is so good, but for some weird planetary alignment, you never win with that hand. i have this one, a lot actually, J10 and 88 to be exact. but it doesnt mean i won't play these hands, i actually play these hands like i play all the other hands that i play. i play these cards because the situation calls for it, but if not, i throw them away.

luck is a big big part of poker, especially texas hold 'em, but whenever you can eliminate luck, it is in my opinion that you will win more coz you can actually control that hand by checking, raising, re-raising, whatever it takes. the less luck in the hand, the better your odds of winning.

this is just my opnion, feel free to comment or something if you feel otherwise. this is a free country, and this is a free blogsite:)

nick and i share the award for "fold of the year"! LOL nice win nick!

blogging people's asses sine 2005...

grouch brunson hansen

King of the Ring

Thursday night poker at Chamba. Instead of playing a 2 table SNG. Patrick just made it into a cash game. minimum buy was 100 and the maximum depended on the amount of cash you had in your ATM hehe.

We started playing around 10pm, just 4 people including me and goms. Then after an hour our group of 4 became 9. It was a good ring game, actually it was one of those games where you could play 'Who's lucky tonight' game. One hand went like this, Goma pushed on the turn with two-pair on the flop, the guy he went up against called, showing 4/5 suited with 2-3 showing on the board A or 6 makes him a straight. River comes... A, he hits the straight and gets the pot. He says 'I was just looking for the 6 but I'm glad the ace came' :D another hand went like this. I was in the pot with the same guy, I had two pair or a set, then this guy calls my all-in showing seven something, then he flops three sevens on the board making a four of a kind. haha crazy man.

I was down to 600 in one hour I think, I bought some more chips and tried to claw my way back. One hand screwed my silly, I had AJ suited, flop comes A-A-K, I check then Mark (another guy who won a lot last night) checks as well, I bet on the turn BIG, everyone folds, Mark calls. River comes rag! I check, he bets 100, I raise him my whole stack. He quickly calls, he ain't got no full house but he had the AQ. Ouch.

I buy some more chips. I'm down 1k++, I needed to get my money back. I had a quick rush, pocket Qs followed by Js then Qs again. I won back my money from those three hands, then I had pocket As , went all-in cracked by A4os.. patrick flopped two 4s making trips. Anyway, moral of the story, never engage action with lucky guys. I made my money back btw. Ring games are awesome, the feeling you have when you know you're just gonna claw your way back to the money, playing good, reeling in the fishies!... it was a rush.

I can't say I was the King of the Ring that night, maybe next time. Just remember luck evens out.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

First Game Funk

I'll play my first game of the week later with Patrick's group at Chamba.

I'm going to get that W. Pound, pound, be fear!

There's a lot of games nowadays, but I still have to stick to the ones that are easy on my bankroll. Remember the tale of the two rolls? I do, it's still pretty clear to me. I can't go and burn bills away, if I do that, I can't play no more.

I'll let you know what happens later.

Anybody have a game this weekend? Let me know...


Food for Thought

I went to John C. Maxwell's forum last friday, and I'd like to quote some of the things he said regarding success. I think you guys will be interested in this, especially you Fish.

Maxwell asked us, how can you be SUCCESSFUL in life? We all want success, but how come there are some schmoes who can only scrape a few bucks just enough to stay alive? He said the difference between successful people and those bums out on the streets is this - successful people know their PURPOSE in life.

So how does one find his purpose? The answer is pretty straightforward. Find your PASSION. In other words, find your STRENGTHS. We've been taught by teachers all our lives to work on our weaknesses. You might remember hearing someone tell you, "your Math is terrible, but your English is terrific, work on your English." Or the other way around. If you rate yourself in comparison to society in Math and English from 1-10, with 10 being the highest, how would you rate yourself? Let's say you're a 7 in English and a 5 in Math. Maxwell said a person can only raise one's rating by 2 points in one lifetime. That's the limit. If you had 2 points to allocate, where would you put them? Math or English? Obviously, it would be on English. Why the hell would you spend all your life to make your Math into a very MEDIOCRE 7, when you can make your English into a SUPERIOR 9? Once you find your PASSION, you will never feel COMPELLED to do anything. It becomes second nature - WORK becomes PLAY.

Successful people are extraordinary. Ordinary is something they are NOT. Average people do not become successful. Those who find their PURPOSE, their PASSION and their STRENGTHS are those that become SUCCESSFUL in life.

I hope I enlightened you a bit with my ranting Fish. I hope you find your way. If you ever need help, you got me as your wingman.

[BTW, the Chinese characters are pronounced as Wu Wei. In Taoism, it means Inaction or Non-resistance. If you find your Passion, that's the result that you get.]

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It's Official

Once again, I'm blogging my ass, ridding the negativity of the moment. Maybe after, I can start doing my shi*t already.

I can't do shit! My tardiness has reached to another level, I'm freakin' lazy guys, sad to say. I need a motivator or a life coach I think. I cannot be responsible enough to do my responsibilities. :D Somebody help me!!! or help me find something that I can put all my positive energy into and be productive, do my school stuff then go boxing or work on my swing and of course play poker.

I even have more time and effort playing and working on my game than studying. It's because I really like playing poker, and working on it, getting better, playing more makes me happy. I'm 2 or 3 years away (depends) from graduating and I want to get out of school. I cannot afford to start living like Van Wilder, eventhough I know it will be a lot of fun..! I just can't, gotta do this shit and get it over with.

It's official, I will be more responsible now. So if you guys don't see my playing with youz guys, It's because I'm hitting the books... or maybe hitting something else! hehe :p If you see me playing, then that's another story...

btw, if you guys have any motivational tools like articles, quotes, music, whatever!!! let me know it might help. Thanks!

-Jardine, I wanted to play tonight but I had to do my shit and guess what I haven't even started squat! I should've played...

any of you guys familiar with Juan Tamad stories? like the one where he was asked to go buy crabs then on the way home he wanted to take a nap under a tree, and he told the crab to walk home to his mom. haha What if Juan Tamad played poker? what do you think he would do?


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Going the Distance

The past week was a rush for me, as most of you know. But as all of you know, luck and rushes can only bring you so far.

I was browsing at and saw this article about bluffs, facts and logical assumptions. This exerpt from the text got me thinking...

CHANGE OF SUBJECT (AND A DISCOURAGEMENT TO NEGATIVITY): Most winning poker players have a positive attitude about their game. Losers tend toward dwelling on Murphy’s Law, which states that anything that can go wrong will. But West’s Law in that area brings you a note of cheer: “Considering the infinite number of things that could go wrong at the poker table, and the small number of things that do go wrong, you’re actually doing quite well."
You feel better already, don’t you? You’re welcome.

About Bluffing, Facts, and Logical Assumptions - Some thoughts to ponder for poker success
by Roy West

Well, at least I knew I was on the right track. I do not dwell on the bad parts of my game that much and I do have the positive attitude about my game. I try to improve on the bad parts of my game so that I can be better next time I sit down and play.

Like what NickG said, about the EDGE. Use the edge to win, improve your game and win! If you don't win something must be wrong right?

Now, I'm going the distance, continue to improve my game and be extra hard on myself so that I can notch more wins and roll the roll. Playing POKER, is what its all about.

Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?
Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penny. Three ninety-eight. You like? [laughs]
Daniel: No, I meant...
Miyagi: Daniel-san... karate here. [he taps his head]
Miyagi: Karate here. [he taps his heart]
Miyagi: Karate never here [points to his belt] [...]

Whatever it takes.


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Back in Black

What a night boys and girls, what a night. A marvelous tournament, 50 solid players, kick-ass organizers (A55), and some table action that can rival any Rudy Fernandez or Caesar Montano action flick. The game last night was intense, just like the Shana Hiatt Volcano video. Fish and I exited half way, but our boy Goma bubbled! Nice work bro, get ‘em next time.

But wait, the action wasn’t over for me and Fish! I played the cash game and all of a sudden, positive chi was coming in to my system, and it felt so fu**ing good! I felt like a god, playing like a monster, ended up being more profitable than the 5th placer. Fish got his buy in back, so it was a good night for the Camp.

Thanks to A55 for putting up a kick ass event!! Keep doing tournaments so we won’t have to do it ourselves, LOL. Congratulations to Jun, man, the quality of your game and your luck is beyond my understanding. Hope to achieve that chi level someday.

Blogging people’s asses since 2005…

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Moment of Truth

In 4 hours,.. I'll be playing my first MTT tourney. I just hope things go smoothly and that whatever problems I'd encounter at the table, i'll be able surpass it and emerge with a stack!!! hehe

I just need to vent out all the negative chi here in my blogger. Like what the grouch said, yin ang yang, sht like that inner chi, breathe in-breathe out hehehe. No loose action, don't give away chips, get ammo, don't waste ammo, focus and be patient!

It's the moment of truth guys, this is the place and time, let's do this. GL HF to all!!!

And remember... I'VE GOT THE NUTS!!!


Regaining the Balance

After a week of not blogging anyone or anything, it’s time for the Grouch to log his much needed therapy. Blogging about poker helps my game, whatever. It helps me sleep better at night when I blog my stupid plays or my magnificent victories, if you can call it that.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to blog any wins for I’ve been losing like a mad man this week. I lost last Tuesday at the Camp Hold’em shorthanded tourney. I lost last night at the wackwack 1k buy in game. I also lost earlier at the AIC game. Losing for like that kinda hits your confidence level and your bankroll, and it really sucks. On the other hand, Fish has been winning like he’s the son of a god that I don’t know of. He placed 2nd last Wednesday at the JG game, 2nd again at the wackwack game, and won the game earlier in AIC. Mind boggling isn’t it? But I think I can give an explanation to it. Here goes nothing.

Everyone knows about the big tourney this Saturday and I’m trying to prepare for it, kinda. This will be my tourney debut, not really coz I played the FAPA tourney before, but this will be my first tourney that will be organize by the kung fu master himself, nickg. So it’s a big thing for me. I was suppose to play at the Alabang Slam but had to take care of my gf, so this is it boys and girls, the Grouch will be put to the test. Back to the explanation, I’ve been losing deliberately, of course I try to win, but I let myself make stupid calls so that I’ll remember it on Saturday, kinda like muscle memory; like pigging out before you go on a diet, something to that effect. I’m trying to eliminate all the negative tendencies that I have when I play, especially my waterloo, the all-in. fu** that all-in! I’ll use it on Saturday, but only when I know that I’ll get out on top after that hand. I’m trying to pay homage to my ancestors, achieving or regaining the balance between the yin and the yang; regaining the inner chi, the next level of consciousness, being one with the deck, that’s my goal right now. Balance, patience, inner chi will result to my victory. I hope.

So I’ll be going to the woods now, gonna drive the evil spirits out, and the positive energy in. mother earth and father sky will recharge my chi!

Who am I kidding with this horse crap!? LOL! Just want to say good luck to all of the players who will be playing tomorrow!

Blogging people’s asses since 2005…

Friday, July 22, 2005

It All Started With a Dream

I played at Eduardo's place last night. 1k buy 4 places played. Solid game.

It was my first 1k buy-in ever, 10,000 starting chips, blinds started at 100-200, 25 mins per level, 10 handed.

The story of the game was... I was on a rush. A friggin' RUSH never had a rush like that before. First hand, I had was pocket As, with 6 callers, I had to raise the pot, it was a huge raise. I got excited, I took down my first pot. Then followed the suited connectors that where money to me, hitting top pairs and good draws, hitting sets, two-pairs. Damn, it felt so good. And another pocket As fell my way on a raise-reraise-all-in by three 3 players, got a huge pot from that and then I was up to 35k in chips. I lost to Jun, good game very tight-aggressive. But hey, not bad for my first 1k buy-in game. The last heads-up hand went...

Me: K9os
Jun: ???

Preflop: blinds were 700-1,400. HE raised to 3000, I smooth call.
Flop: J-9-J I check-raise him for 10k. He goes all-in.

Now I put him on pockets...I was hoping for lower pockets like 8s or 7s. I call.

He shows pocket Ts, Kings or a 9 would make me win, turn and river come out blanks and its over. GG

The Wack-Wack game is very solid, I heard before that the play there before was all about the thickness of your wallet and how much paper you can burn but Eduardo changed the game play and structure to what most of us are used to... SNGs. After the game, we were talking about the poker scene her in manila, and what's happening or going to happen in the months to come. Eduardo briefly explained his was obvious that he knew what he was talking about, being a poker player for 3 years and all, he's really passionate about the game which I truly respect, hats off. Eduardo shared his plans with us on promoting the game, making good games, tourneys etc... it got me thinking, i said to myself 'all great things start from dreams like this'. Knowing the scene here, it won't be a dream any longer, in time, poker would be everywhere! Poker will be a household name, I tell you! Why? because it all started with a dream.

Luceat Lux, let your light shine buddy. ALL-IN!!! hehe :)


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Same Story Different Ending

Wednesday night game at Jill's (Jardine's Sister) place.

A cool 16 player, two-table, mini-tourney. 100 buy, 820 in chips.

Jg poker - Jardin and Gail, the Corp - Che and Jas, CCW - Miguel and Jericho, A55 - Skippy and myself representing the Camp.

During the game, Skip and I were talking about the weekly game sched in Alabang, the Penalosa game etc..., skip tells me that the players there slow-play there hands, and I tell Skip that I'm really picky with the hands I slow play because my opponent might make a lucky draw to crack me. Meanwhile, I was throwing a party, playing every hand given to me and the next thing you know im down to 250 in chips. I tell Skip that all you need is a chip and a chair, he agrees, we laugh. Anyways, after that brief conversation with Skip, I played a Ah4h, with one raiser, I called an AK/AQ raise (don't know why). The flop came...

2h 4c 5h Guy checks, I 2x the min bet. (50-60) he calls... turn comes...

3h (I take a second look at my cards, and see that I DID draw a straight flush.) I CHECK (Slow play of course) He checks as well.

river comes out blank! I set him all-in he calls, with A/picture, figured he had an A to make the wheel, but it doesn't matter 'cause I'VE GOT THE NUTS man! BIG NUTS! What are the odds? (Somebody tell me the odds of drawing a straight flush please? :) )

I'm back to my stack - you'd hear Skip saying 'May bala na si Mark...' haha. I reply to Skip 'Chip and a chair, chip and a chair...'

I made a good pot on a stone cold bluff with AQs with no help on the flop. hehe I was up but not for long, I started playing loose and gave ALOT of chips to the other players By the time, we got to the final table, I had a more than average stack with a lil somethin' somethin' but I was up against a guy that had times 2 of my stack, I think. It was a loooong game guys, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong game. My patience was put to the test. I played Bare-Aces - 'Uncle Nick's term' no help on the flop... fold!!! Blinds were starting to take away my stack bit by bit, then the pocket T's helped my ass, went all-in and got it. I was very very tight, but now I have ammo, I can play more and hopefully knock people out. The game was really tight, so tight... I had to work it to my advantage... Chop-chop-chop. I really want them to go kill each other but the thing was the blinds would just circulate from player to player. It seemed like a good situation for me turn on the ignition.

It was down to me and the oh so tight chip leader. I got him down to a short stack but a sudden rush on his part made him very dangerous, he can double up again, and put me on the short stack. I was getting 7/3os, 8/2os, 10/4os, 5/9os. I looked at my stack, and asked him 'pare, split nalang gusto mo?' hehehe he agreed. It was a game. Same story, different ending guys... I got mega points though woohoo!

I'm going to play at wack2 1k buy... my first 1k buy every GL to me and the Grouch. Let you guys know how it goes...


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Back to the Boot Camp

4 headed game, 1000 in chips, Grouch, Thriller and a new player, J.R. J.R. won the first two games, the first one at my expense. Played too tight. But the third game was another thing. You can call it a new beginning. But to tell you the truth, the cards just fell my way. Went all in with two mavericks, won both. Went all in with J9 suited, won it. But then came a hand I'm proud to say, I played perfectly. Heads up with the Thriller. I had 6-2 unsuited. I was big blind if you want to know, Goma the dealer. Goma called, I happily checked. Flop came K-3-2. I checked, doing a bit of acting. Goma checks as well. Turn comes another 2. My heart skips a few beats and I sigh loudly and bow my head. "Check!" Goma checks as well. River comes another 2. I land the first quad ever in my life. I knew if I went all in, I would scare away the Thriller. So I said, "Bet 1000." Goma says, "I'll call coz I know you're bluffing. You can only have the King and the Three, which I think you don't have." I flip over the 2, pumping my fist in the air. I knew my chip lead would be enough to bully Goma to a pulp. After a few more solid hands, I innevitably won. After 2 months of losing, it's good to be back in the winner's circle, and I did it beating my fellow Campers, Grouch and Thriller, both players whom I respect a lot. Anyway, I hope I can get back to my winning ways.

That's it for now. Chairman hath spokeneth.

[BTW, special shout out to the Fish: Keep betting, the cards will come to you.]

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Note to the Chairman

I just watched a 2004 WSOP final table 5k PL Omaha.

Ted Lawson nicknamed "The Chairman" because he's a chairman of some company, won the event. He took a huge pot from Lederer, and knocked out 3 guys. This guy was a rookie then, it was his first WSOP and first final table. It was irritating to see him play, it's one of those guys that you would want to beat up after a game. On an all-in situation, he'd tell you what he has then he shows the cards, he can just shut up and turn the cards up right? It was annoying. Well, it back-fired on him when he called an all-in. He said he had a straight but he didn't. His cards were a 8 and a 9. then there was a 7 and a 10 on the board. Dumbass! thought he had a straight made, he din't make the draw and lost the pot. That's not all, when he won, after the last hand heads-up, he stands up, waves to the crowd, gets money from his pocket and throws a bill to the dealer! What the hell?! Nothing wrong tipping the dealer but it was on TV man, do it after. It's like making a winning shot in basketball then the camera focuses on you, picking your nose or dancing William Hung style.

Note to the Chairman and the others... after winning a game, act like a winner not like a loser.. hehehe :p

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sucks to be...

Folks, the Final Table is underway (July 15, 2005 2:00 pm PT)

July 13, 2005
No Limit Texas Hold 'em World Championship,
Buy-in: $10,000
Number of Entries: 5,619
Total Prize Money: $52,818,610

Payouts for the Final Table:
1st $7,500,000

Everyone is an instant millionaire! :)

Well, I was going to dedicate my post to Mike "the Mouth" Matusow. But when I saw the live update on, He busted out 9th! he was 3rd or 4th in chips. Still, I gotta give props to him, the only pro who made it to the final table, the only guy I was routing for besides Aaron "Knockout" Karter! hehe this was one of 'the Mouth"'s bluffs:

Hand 24 - Scott Lazar has the button in seat 9, Matusow raises to $250,000, Dannenmann calls, and Black calls. Three players see the flop of Kc-10d-9h, and they all check. The turn card is the Ah, and they're looking at a potentially dangerous board, with high cards and two hearts. Black checks, Matusow bets $600,000, and the other players fold. Matusow shows 8s-5s as he bluffs himself a pot worth about $1 million.

Then at exactly 2005-07-15 18:29:00, 'The Mouth' is out!

Hand 28 - Daniel Bergsdorf has the button in seat 4, Dannenmann raises to $300,000, and Matusow calls from the small blind. The flop comes 5s-3s-2c, Matusow bets $600,000, and Dannenmann immediately says, "All in." Matusow stops the action to study his opponent. He stands up, leaning out over the table to get a good look at his opponent before calling. Dannenmann shows As-Jc, while Matusow has pocket tens (10d-10c). Dannenmann was semi-bluffing with overcards, and he'll need to catch a four, a jack, or an ace to win the pot.
The turn card is the 4h, and Dannenmann makes a five-high straight to take a commanding lead in this hand. Matusow will need to catch a six or an ace to survive with a straight on the board.
The river card is a 9, and Mike Matusow is eliminated in ninth place, earning $1,000,000.
He walks over to Mark Seif in the crowd, who comforts him, and then the players from the final table all come over to shake his hand. Matusow is composed, but clearly disappointed. He's keeping his composure very well, and there are no outbursts or anger. Matusow is stunned.

I really don't know what to say, well the cards did not fall for 'the mouth' there's always next year. On his interview, he said that he was playing the best 6 days of poker in his 15 year career.
I remember watching him at the 1k NLHE Wsop 2004. He was with negreanu, Paul Philips & John Juanda. He was known as 'the mouth' for his non-stop teasing, bashing, smack/trash talking on the table. One of his weaknesses was 'the matusow blow up' - self-destructing while playing his best game, He'd make a huge mistake that would cost him the game. On that game, he did it again, after making 2 or 3 huge gambles and pots, he crashed by making a bad call. Anyway, I didn't expect 'the Mouth' to enter the Final table. I thought it was going to be Raymer again, but that would be something else, won't it?

Oh yeah, while watching 'the Mouth's interview, I heard him saying, he was hard on himself when he lost, everytime he'd want to improve on his game. I felt the same way too. Put the ego aside, play your game, not just any game but your best game, like it's the last thing you'll every do.

"blihbidy blahbidy, blihbidy bluhbidy"


Getto Cowboys

You better count your money, you better count your money…. Dang….. Just want to share with you guys the disgust I felt last night

We played over at Dennis’ place, it was a great game. We had 16 players, Grouch, Fisher, Thriller a.k.a. Goma, and the Chairman formerly known as Tipsy Tilter was there representing your beloved Camp. All of us reached the final table, then something really bizarre happened.

The Pitboss was seating middle position, and Grouch late position, same amount of chips. Everybody folded then pitboss went all – in which the Grouch immediately calls.

Pitboss: pair 10

Grouch: Cowboys (KK)

Trashy flop

Turn: 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

River: Trash

Those cowboys really give love a bad name.

Bad play? Grouch doesn’t think so, but leave a comment or something and give a lil’ insight. Pretty good game for the Grouch, but you know, shit happens, all the time.

Nice work to mah main boy Fisher!!! It made your absences in class and playing poker instead all worth it. You my friend, represented the camp well last night! Nice game too to Pobs and the rest of the FAPA crew, thanks for hosting. GG to Nick, Pitboss, Skip!

Blogging people’s asses since 2005…

Grouch Hansen Hellmuth Brunson Ivy

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Tilter is Dead. Enter The Chairman!

As a symbol of my new dedication in playing Pokuh, I shall now be known as The Chairman. The Tipplin' Tilter? Well I can't afford playing like that anymore. I need to stay in the game longer, play solid, control the board. Like the Chairman of the Board. I will also need to establish a new reputation. The person you will see play henceforth will strike fear into the hearts of men. Who better to emulate than Chairman Mao? True power comes from the barrel of a gun. Rest assured my gun will be targeting you everytime you try to make a play at me. A new revolution will rise.

The Chairman hath spokeneth!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

No Game

No game tonight, my thursday night game at Chamba was cancelled due to a power outage. It's all good, I got a quick 2 game 4-handed action with my bro and two friends. The first group of people I used to play poker with. Haven't played with them for a long time (a month or so) anyways, now was the time to test my new honed skills (if there are any)

The cards were coming my way... so when I flopped a monster, I'd act like I don't have anything then, check and RAISE them BIG. I show my nut flush and they show top pair or middle pair. I was calling there small raises, and eventually see AQ's or AK's come showdown sometimes AK's go unraised... oh well. I'm glad my game improved and I could see it when I played with them, I played a steady game, using all the basics. NO FPs!!! (Fancy Plays), No big scary bets/raises, seldom check-raise and so on.

Before when I played with those guys, i have a hard time winning because, I would be MIA- missing in action. (i'm not out there to get them chips!) Now, I'm the one giving action. Betting, Raising, All-in etc. It worked tonight, it was a smooth cruise all the way. Chips Ahoy Captain!

Straight-Forward Poker. That's what everyone should do, FOR NOW... :) Use the fancy shmancy plays for later. Poker basics can be very powerful tools, use it to your advantage and own!


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

sprechen sie pokerspiel?

Due to the sudden turn of events, the Camp suffered a tough blow today. According to Tipsy and Fish, I can’t release the information to the public yet. We’re still trying to figure things out internally. Hope everything works out just fine.

I guess most of you already noticed that the Fish and Tilter fired away with their ideas regarding the game we all love. Actually, Tilter is enlightened to write again coz’ he attended the Neil Gaiman thing. Dude, he’s gay man! As for Fish, I don’t know about that guy. Maybe he’s becoming a lil’ cuckoo, know what I’m saying? Just kidding bro.

I guess it’s my turn to give my two cents about the game, and the chance to hear from you guys.

I read an article by Howard Lederer entitled Poker and Zen (, and it made a lot of sense to me. Right now I’m trying to achieve Level 3, but it think it will take some time before I even come close of becoming that. And it’s alright with me, no problems for the Grouch about that. Again, patience is an important thing in poker, and not just waiting for the right hand to play, but waiting for the time for when you shift from being a good player to a great one.

It makes me happy to see a lot of post from mah hommies, what makes me happier is the comments that you guys leave. I love seeing your comments because I see that we are not alone. You guys out there are as addicted to the game as we are, in a good way of course. It’s good that topics about the game and how to elevate our play is out here. We see different terms and other analogies, such as Tilter’s golf analogies. We actually relate poker to our lives. Wow! But I promised myself I wouldn’t cry…

I read some books and articles about the game, read a book actually, and to be honest, I think that it’s all I need right now. I’m saying that not because I feel that I don’t need more info about the game, but because I know that becoming a great player needs to be fermented like wine. I know I can’t force the issue. I’m trying to bank on experience here. The more hours I log playing, the better I’ll get. I have some theories about the game, take note, some, and I need to apply it or practice it. Praxis ladies and gentlemen, theory and practice. You can have all theory in the world but it wont mean chickensh** if you can’t apply it.

That’s it for now; we have a very big dilemma right now. Dang….

By the way guys, the Camp has its own version of Shana Hiatt, right Aissa? Sup girl? Hahahah

Blogging people’s asses since 2005…

Grouch now sad…

Highway to the Danger Zone

The Grouch and I were talking a while ago about making the transition from being a Student to a Professor. All of us in the Camp are Students of the Bible, can't deny that. But as far as studying Super Systems, I think I've unraveled its secrets already. However, that does not necessarily make me a good Pokuh Playa. After being one of the few who studied the Bible real early, I clearly had a competitive advantage. But as the Pokuh scene kept growing, I found more and more playas who I discovered to be just as learned. To put it literally, I am being read like a book, not just any book, but as a disciple of the Bible.

I knew this weeks before. In fact, I haven't read the Bible in over a month. I want to grow beyond the book and establish my own game. As I have realized over the past few weeks, Pokuh isn't that different from Golf. We all have our own swings, our own styles, our own game. You can have the most technically sound swing in Golf, but that won't automatically make you win. There's an intangible aspect to both Golf and Pokuh that is purely a personal thing. You can call it your Mojo, your Groove, your Niche, whatever. But in order to be a good Golf or Pokuh playa you need to find that intangible.

For the past two and a half years, I've fixed my own Golf swing. I haven't been relying on any Swing Coaches. Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods calls this 'owning your swing'. True enough, I've played the best golf in my life the past year. Sometimes I wondered when my game is off if I needed to have my game checked, but I persevered and stuck to what worked. I sometimes get into a reverie on the course, thinking why I've improved, when I've been doing mostly the same things. But I know now it's not the same. There is that something else.

There are ways to find that intangible, as we all observe the Superstars who can, against all odds, win repetitively and even flatout dominate day in and day out. Some can only scratch their heads in disbelief, some can only stare in awe, and some simply lose their heads in denial. But the fact remains, there is an intangible out there somewhere. That is what I'm looking for right now, and that is the difference between winning and losing. Al Pacino calls it the 'inch' in Any Given Sunday. Perhaps that is what it is, perhaps not. But I'm willing to take the time to look for it, to go beyond the books, to venture out into the great unknown. When I find it, you'll be the first to find out, because that is when I'll be taking your chips constantly. :D

That's all for now, Tilter Out.

Table Image

I'm really not sure about what the pro's talk about when they say table image, because obviously you'll get scared of them pro' because you see them on TV, you know they're professional poker players with matching WSOP bracelets. But besides that, table image is one thing every player should have.

Law #5 of POWER by R. Greene

So much depends on your reputation, guard it with your life.

Enough said. I try to work on my reputation as well playing games, doing what I have to do. It seems like my reputation or image is somewhat of a bluffer, I don't get it. I work on my image to be a ROCK (see last last month's posts) I want to raise and laydown monster nuts, but people always think I ain't got nothing, oh well! and being the character or player you want to project can also let you be the exact opposite of your image. It's like you playing with two faces... hehe >:D
Having your image broken or splattered on is something you wouldn't want to happen. It would ruin the essense of your purpose. Image should give out the message to the people out there that they should respect your game and you will respect theirs in return.
Sometimes your rep can also be your enemy, players will figure you out and try to crack you and that's the time you switch/change gears and be unpredictable, all the more - dangerous.

Strike them with fear!

Open to comments, opinions and constructive criticism! more posts to come! :)


The Game

We all know the game, but how much do we know about it?

The dynamics of the game make it so unique, there is no absolute way of winning a game of poker, there are no sure bets as well as sure plays. There are a lot of factors involved that when you start playing, these factors run across your mind everytime you look at cards, people, chips...

I played last night at Grouch's, during my 20 minute drive to his place I was already thinking about how I'll play my game, thinking of the possible problems I may encounter, everything - well, almost. Anyway, I was thinking of certain situations like early play, middle play and shorthanded up to heads-up. I was kinda fun though, running simulations in your head on how you'd play the game you're about to play. hehe

So much for the focus and visualization! I couldn't play my cards right because no cards were coming my way!!! The best hand I had was AQos, no help on the flop against pocket 8s what can you do?! I was there busted, thinking about what I can do understand the game more, I was thinking about writing down what I've learned from playing, putting down good calls, bad calls, mistakes, situations and the like to better understand the game.

I'm calling out everyone to listen in... or read in rather to Camp Hold'em blog. I'm inviting everybody to feel free and comment on whatever is it I'm going to start writing in my posts, no bashing and foul language pls :) I just want to understand the game more and I want to share that with you guys, lets have some sort of a 'forum' so that we'll hear everybody's opinion of THE GAME! hey, you might pick up a thing or two?! :) hehe

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Tourny Down South

Big NL Tourney last night at Filinvest.

The event was indeed a success, good job to the A55 crew. To those who didn't go, you missed the first - and absolutely not the last - 'pimp' tourny. Let me break it down for you guys, rooftop of Parque E., at the bar. 5 poker tables with dealers, 41k pot, 2 cash tables. That's what you call a tourney.

GG to the JG crew, che, jas and the poker couple Jardin and Gail who made the final table! And VGG to Jericho for takin' that 22k. As for me, I sat my butt down for 4hrs playing at the cash game and just broke even. Joey was a chip vacuum, Big Ups to you! and I mean BIG UPs! hehe it was a good one.

At the next tourney, I'm sure the camp will be playing and hopefully representin' hehe. That's it for now peeps, later.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

just a simple request

I really have to write about this, my ass just can’t handle it. We all love playing poker, assuming that everyone that reads our blog loves the game. Not gambling, but actually love playing poker. Players are getting better and better, having good knowledge about the game. Most of us already graduated from just enjoying the social and the adrenaline rush poker gives you, to being students of the game. One important thing is often being taken for granted, and that having good poker etiquette.

This is just a simple request from the grouch to all of the peace loving poker players out there. I’ll try to list down most of the mistakes that I usually see during a game, although I have to admit that I am guilty of these mistakes too. I’m writing these things down so we can all play a good, fun game, without having tempers flaring coz’ of a stupid move.

Playing out of turn, either folding before or after the person who’s suppose to make the move, or betting, which is worse. Showing the burn card as if it’s part of the flop, in short, not burning. This one fives away emotions of a player if he hits that card, which is obviously very unfair for him, right?

Alright, the grouch can forgive and understand this. After all, it is really hard sometimes to see if whose turn is it. So to the other players, please don’t hide your cards. Always place them in an area which is visible to all of the players to avoid the confusion and the misunderstanding. But this one, I really can’t take this one.


I’ve seen players with different styles and gimmicks. Some bring their mp3 players, some eat, some read a book, and I even know someone who plays tetris. The great thing about the players that I see with these things is that they never loose their grasp for the game, they know when it’s their turn to move, they know how much the bet is, they know who’s still playing it. The one’s that I can’t take are the one’s who calls or texts, trying to conduct their business on the side while playing the game. I really don’t care if you’re trying to close a multi-million deal or trying to propose or fighting with your partner, you have to know what’s going on the game at all times.

Trying to entertain yourself and avoid boredom during the game is alright, actually, it just might help you win. But having your attention in a different thing and trying to play poker at the side is completely unacceptable. The least thing that you can do is excuse yourself from the table, do your business, go back to the table ready to play.

This is a very simple thing that not only applies to poker, but to real life as well. Let’s try to be courteous at all times.

No ill feelings from the grouch here, just hope we can reduce these kinds of situations.

Blogging people's asses since 2005...


Monday, July 04, 2005

Not Just About the Game Anymore

Just like the blog that nick posted a couple of days ago(see pokerfilipinas) about bankroll management and game selection, I'm now factoring alot of things before I join any game or tourney. Pots getting bigger, and so are the buy-ins, games being setup in an instant everyday of the week, the dream that i share with alot of pokuh players is becoming a reality. but of course, it's dangerous for me not to see the downside.

If you are really a mofo, you can actually decide to quit your job, or studies, and be a freakin' poker player full time with the current scene that we have. Believe me, it already crossed my mind and still does every single day, but right now, my left nut is missing, so I can't make the jump. From what I know right now, there are alot more people who's playing this game, therefore, my circle is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the local poker scene is concern. Every week, I get a text message from someone informing me about a game, and the stakes just gets bigger and bigger. I'm only counting days before I hear a story about a guy who pissed all his money away, just like the one's that I know of about NBA betting. But thank god that I don't know anyone who's in that kind of quicksand, yet.

I must admit, those late night poker games had taken it's toll. I go to my morning classes like a freakin' zombie due to lack of sleep. but again, i'm a bit fortunate as to my bankroll is concern. at least I know my limit. Just like the game, foliding or saying no to a game is a big part of it. I don't want to just win a hand and loose the game, i rather loose that hand and win the pot in the end. I don't want to become a case study of not what to become in one of those public service videos. Poker brings out the qualities of the person who's playing it. It's now easier to spot the idiot and praise the mighties.

Grouch's Mantra #3: Poker is different from gambling. The sooner you'll know this, the happier we'll all be

Blogging people's asses since 2005...

Grouch Hansen

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Grouch Represent!!!

Friday night poker again at the Grouch's, glad that the expected number of players came, there were 16 players that night and two table tourny was the game. 300 buy - 4800 pot, 4 places paid.

Thanks to Nick G, Skip, Joey, Pitboss, Denis, JJ, Former Pope, Ricky, Jardin, Che, Jaz, Joel, Big Hand Rob & David for coming over. Appreciate it.

Pretty solid game, big pots and of course... big hands.

Not just big hands, but money hands baby, money hands.

Aces and Big Slicks. AA's and AK's, were the hands of the night. I remember seeing around 10-15 AK's and around 7-9 AA's that night.

The Grouch played a mean, solid game. It's a about time man, I'm blogging your ass now- in a positive way, because you deserve it. Grouch Hansen is here to stay friends.

As for me, back to the 'ol drawing board, I played really bad friday night.

Next friday, expect new players, very loose gambling loaded mofos... Ring games at around 6pm and one SNG table hehe see you guys next friday, let me know if there are games this week! Later.


Saturday, July 02, 2005


what a game, what a night, what a win, and it feels so good for the grouch. finally, the grouch got the big W after shaving my freakin' head. Here's a lil' recap...

there were 16 players, so we divided it into two tables. i played with joey, skippy, and pitboss representing A55. Che of JG, Denise of FAPA, yours truly for the Camp, and David representing himself. the other table had nick and jj of A55, the pope and ricky for FAPA, Jardine and Joel of JG, Rob of Souljahs, and The Fish for the Camp.

had massive chips coming into the final table but squandered it middle of the game. got my composure back, and the chips, ending up with joey for the heads-up. thank god i had the chip lead at that point.

1st - the grouch
2nd - tito joey
3rd - joel
4th - skippy

the whole black shirt, Gus Hansen thing, really worked for me. exept i had the shades goin on ala greg raymer, and the the sounds ala phil ivy. it really helps me to be more courageous coz it's like i have an alter ego, somehwhat like batman. think of the shades and the sounds as my bat suit.

thanks to A55 who drove all the way from the dirty south, the JG crew, FAPA. hope to see you again every friday!

i don't have to blog my own ass tonight! booh yah!

blogging people's asses since 2005...

grouchy as ever... patience... all about patience...

grouch hansen

Friday, July 01, 2005

Shana Hiatt Pic Added

For all you fans of Shana, I added a pic of her at the bottom of the page. Feel free to gawk and drool. ^.^