Saturday, July 23, 2005

Regaining the Balance

After a week of not blogging anyone or anything, it’s time for the Grouch to log his much needed therapy. Blogging about poker helps my game, whatever. It helps me sleep better at night when I blog my stupid plays or my magnificent victories, if you can call it that.

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to blog any wins for I’ve been losing like a mad man this week. I lost last Tuesday at the Camp Hold’em shorthanded tourney. I lost last night at the wackwack 1k buy in game. I also lost earlier at the AIC game. Losing for like that kinda hits your confidence level and your bankroll, and it really sucks. On the other hand, Fish has been winning like he’s the son of a god that I don’t know of. He placed 2nd last Wednesday at the JG game, 2nd again at the wackwack game, and won the game earlier in AIC. Mind boggling isn’t it? But I think I can give an explanation to it. Here goes nothing.

Everyone knows about the big tourney this Saturday and I’m trying to prepare for it, kinda. This will be my tourney debut, not really coz I played the FAPA tourney before, but this will be my first tourney that will be organize by the kung fu master himself, nickg. So it’s a big thing for me. I was suppose to play at the Alabang Slam but had to take care of my gf, so this is it boys and girls, the Grouch will be put to the test. Back to the explanation, I’ve been losing deliberately, of course I try to win, but I let myself make stupid calls so that I’ll remember it on Saturday, kinda like muscle memory; like pigging out before you go on a diet, something to that effect. I’m trying to eliminate all the negative tendencies that I have when I play, especially my waterloo, the all-in. fu** that all-in! I’ll use it on Saturday, but only when I know that I’ll get out on top after that hand. I’m trying to pay homage to my ancestors, achieving or regaining the balance between the yin and the yang; regaining the inner chi, the next level of consciousness, being one with the deck, that’s my goal right now. Balance, patience, inner chi will result to my victory. I hope.

So I’ll be going to the woods now, gonna drive the evil spirits out, and the positive energy in. mother earth and father sky will recharge my chi!

Who am I kidding with this horse crap!? LOL! Just want to say good luck to all of the players who will be playing tomorrow!

Blogging people’s asses since 2005…


Blogger boy of destiny said...

fish won again? so where's the bloody tong?!

11:39 AM  
Blogger ivegotdnuts said...

its coming... hahaha no tong evasion here.

12:33 PM  

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