Friday, July 29, 2005

favorite hand

I notice a lot of people aout there talk about their favorite hands, and they often ask me that question, my answer? i don't have one, plain and simple. I'm not trying to be cocky or anything by not having a favorite hand, its just that i really don't see the point of having one. For me, having a favorite hand will cause me more harm than good. why? coz you tend to play your favorite hand no matter what the situation is. good or bad, you feel that that particular hand will save your ass for the night. and the sad thing is, no matter how many time you lose with that hand, you will always play it cause it's your favorite.

the opposite of having a favorite hand is having the unicorn hand, the hand that is so good, but for some weird planetary alignment, you never win with that hand. i have this one, a lot actually, J10 and 88 to be exact. but it doesnt mean i won't play these hands, i actually play these hands like i play all the other hands that i play. i play these cards because the situation calls for it, but if not, i throw them away.

luck is a big big part of poker, especially texas hold 'em, but whenever you can eliminate luck, it is in my opinion that you will win more coz you can actually control that hand by checking, raising, re-raising, whatever it takes. the less luck in the hand, the better your odds of winning.

this is just my opnion, feel free to comment or something if you feel otherwise. this is a free country, and this is a free blogsite:)

nick and i share the award for "fold of the year"! LOL nice win nick!

blogging people's asses sine 2005...

grouch brunson hansen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just like you, i dont believe in favorite hands. They mess up your game big time. One example is what happend during one of my many final tables at the WPT, i had AA(my favorite hand..believe it or not)..everybody folded, small blind called, i was big blind so i checked. Flop comes A,K,K..small blind calls minimum bet..i folded! the reason for this?..i didnt get any sleep that night coz i kept thinking about my favorite hand (as well as my favorute color--which happens to be red)

I do enjoy playing my favorite flops, mine would be 10,10,10...soetimes i even play that flop even if i folded my hole cards before the flop.

Anyways..dont believe in unicorn hands, these are mythical creatures that don't exist in the real world..if someone tells u otherwise..he/she needs help

howard lederer

2:00 PM  
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