Benga of the Week
Alright, it's time for the weekly benga. It's about the best or worst beat that I saw all week long. Played the cash game and a 7 handed last Thursday, lost tons of money playing the 20-40 table and landed 3rd, which unfortunately was the bubble place. I got pocket queens twice, lost twice, pocket kings twice, lost once. Skipped the BBC500 coz I had to report to my parole officer hehehe.
Then the poker itch got into me, and the itch to gamble.
Played gin rummy against my old man, first for fun, then it got serious. It started out with a 50 peso bet, then turned inot a 100, then to a high of 150. Lost 200 bucks to him, which he gladly took. Then he took us, his three boys out for dinner. What a gracious gentleman.
Called up fish, borrowed his chip set, went home then challenge my family to a 5 handed SNG. My liltle sister, who was supposed to sleep over her friends house, learned that we we're going to play, she immediately ask us to pick her up so she could join us. A 7th grader passing up on a slumber party to play poker against her older brothers, hehehe what a sight. We played two games, the first of which was a 200 buy in, with a 70-30% split between the winner and the 2nd placer, then we went to play a 100 winner take all tourney.
Here's the benga hand:
First game, final three. Me, short stack, Martin, my youngest brother, who eventually won, was chip leader coz he took out my dad and my sister at the same time. Justin, my protege, average stack.
I went all in with JT, Justin Called with pocket duece. Flop was:
QUEEN NINE KING! I flopped the straight!!!!!!!!!! Then the turn card was a queen.
Daddy Tee: Panalo na yan si Mike:
Mike: Wait, a queen or a duece will save his ass
Justin: La na yan
River was a duece....................................................................