Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm not your energizer bunny plus THE BENGA OF THE WEEK

Man, what a tournament! Intense! Just like what NickG said, there was very little dead money on that tournament. You know what I'm talking about, the Rooftop Invitational.

None of the soldiers of the camp made it into the money, heard that Fish got run overed by the Siberian Express and my trip ochos got rivered by trip aces. Thriller(aka Goma) was our only hope. We decided to leave him for a while, let him do his own thing, grab something to eat coz my parole officer(aka my girlfriend) showed up for support. When we got back, Thriller had a huge stack, but eventually lost it again to the Siberian Express. We failed to bring home the bacon today, too bad, but everythings cool. That's poker.

I can't think of a way to become pretentious while writting this post, other than that tournament drained our energy. We were hungry like a wolf, ate our hearts away over at Congo. Gone are the days when we have the power to drive all the way to Alabang, play some cards, then drive to Ortigas Center to play more cards. As the field gets tougher and tougher, it gets harder too physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Texas Hold 'em - takes a minute to learn, but a lifetime to master!


Benga of the Week

I'm trying to write the Benga of the Week every Saturday. It will be about the worst beat, the best bluffs, best plays, etc. or can be about anything worth shouting BENGA!!!! What does benga mean? I really don't know, but from what I understand, it's what you shout when you hit jackpot or somthing. Realy don't care what it means, it just feels good shouting BENGA! when you hit your card on the river to beat the schmuck who went all in with 7-2os.
Blinds 50-100

Dealer, pocket 8s, I raised 200 more for a total of 300, got re-raised 200 more by the guy to my left, everyone folds, I call.

Flop came King 8 Queen, rags.

The guy went all in for his last 530 I think, got him covered. Added a lil hollywood, ask him if he would show his cards if I fold, he said yes. I called my tirps.

Turn card was a junk, river card was an ACE! Benga!!!!!!!

Went on tilt, went all in next hand with A7 Diamonds, got called by pocket queens, Flop comes 7, 3, 7. BENGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good play, great cards, one pretentious player
