Thursday, June 30, 2005

Winner Take Small

Played at JG poker last night. Thanks again J&G.

It was a mini multi-table tourny with 18 players. Grouch, Tilter, Goma, Uncle Nick, Skip, Pitboss, myself, all repreeezentin'.
My game was an up and down chip roller coaster, 50 chips to 25-50-15-60-15-100. As the ol' saying goes, I played my cards right so made it to final table.
My 3 1/2 hour poker game only got me to 3rd place and my money back. Gail and Bryan had to battle it out, I had to go home. I wanted to take it all though, who wouldn't, I promised those guys from the lunch group at U.P. I'd buy them lunch if I won big again. There's always next time guys, I'ma buy you guys that pizza anytime soon, I feel it. hehe

Remember guys, being drunk is one thing, playing poker while your drunk is another and inviting a drunk euro guy fucks everything up. It's like bringing a portable tilter at the table, you'll tilt at no time. I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying but he did offend some people at the table. :( Good thing nothing serious happened.

Camp Hold'em will have games tomorrow, I hope a lot of new players go. It's going to be a good one! Let us know if you guys are playing. The Camp will be stylin' and repreeezentin'! Bring your A game guys, Friday night poker at its best.

Fish swimming with the fishies.


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