Thursday, June 30, 2005

it aint over yer

it aint over yet.

again, staying true to my word, i'm blogging my own ass for the 2nd time this week.(for the regular readers, you know what I mean. for the new readers, see previous posts.)

fortunately, I learned, for me, the most valuable lesson there is in hold 'em.

Grouch Mantra #2: 'Master your emotions or your emotions will master you'. (number one mantra is 'patince'.)

pretty deep shit, I tell you that, but that was exactly what happened earlier. I knew that someone paired up a king or a jack, and that my pocket8s were kaput. why did i bet? that's for me to know and you to find out.

The Camp will be back, guns blazing this friday, no doubt!

See you soon pipz!

Blogging my own ass since Monday... (maybe I should change my nick to Big Bird or Elmo?

Grouchy as ever...

Grouch Hansen