Wednesday, February 15, 2006


1. Valentine's Day, I don't see the point - somebody enlighten me please!

2. My PLDT DSL connection sucks, we apply for the top of the line dsl plan and I can't even play a single sng without getting disconnected 3213128491749 times. This fucking sucks because, I get disconnected at crucial moments of a sng when the blinds are big and it's the bubble.

3. 20/40 at the airport casino - Do you know the feeling when you sit down at the table, post your blinds for the first time, then peel your holecards and see pocket As? I do, it happened to me awhile ago. My aces din't get cracked, in fact I won around 1k with it, but how about sitting there for 3 more hours, not getting a single premium hand? -700, after three hours. The game was perfect, it was loose passive. You'd see 7-8 limpers, giving you pot odds to call any hand for that matter. Then NO ONE will bet the flop, but if someone did, 5-6 players would call it, regardless of the odds. Those fools would CHASE flush draws with 10 or Q high, CHASE gutshots on the river, AND WOULD SPIKE IT!. Man o man, that's how the action is at the airport. The game is very very soft, like a baby's bottom! So for those who have the rolls , I suggest you grind it out there.

Takes A LOT of patience to play this game we all love...

all it takes is just a lil paaaatieeenceee *whistles*
