Thursday, June 02, 2005

Texas Hold-what?!

Last Christmas holiday, Pao, a good friend of mine, went back to the P.I. raving about poker. It seemed like everyone in the states was playing poker so I said to myself that i'll give it a try. He brought out his 20 dollar poker set which included 100 plastic chips, felt playing mat and a deck of plastic cards - that was my first poker night!

I never got to appreciate the game during that time, not until sports plus aired the greatest show on earth! The World Poker Tour! The first episode I catched was the one when Phil Gordon lost to Juha Helppi on the UB aruba tour. After watching the show I started playing online, going all in with absolutely nothing, my goal was just to accumulate as much play chips as I can. I was an achievable task but it wasn't easy. I really had to play pairs, read flops things a regular noob would do, oh did i mention going all in no nuts? hehe that was then guys.

After 141 freerolls (and counting), here I am, a certified poker addict! Playing 3-4 home games a week with buddies, playing 7-10 hours of poker online, damn! if the Big C had hold'em i'd probably be there with my poker face (and hopefully walking out with a bulging wallet :p) Don't get me wrong, I don't aspire to be a professional poker player, well maybe. I just love the game and I'm glad that buddy of mine introduced me to the game of poker.

If any of you guys want to play lemme know, I'm on my 142nd freeroll now so I gotta jet and hopefully reach the final table. Feel free hit us up anything poker or non-poker related! later guys.


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